I had a very cool bookspotting moment this week. I stepped onto the MTR at North Point and saw a man reading a book called Clarinet. I stood across from him and opened up my paperback copy of The Finkler Question. I happened to glance down the train and saw a mother and daughter sitting side by side and reading two more English paperback books, though I couldn't see the titles. The four of us made quite a group. I do not think I have seen that many people reading in one place since I got here.
I saw a young man carrying a copy of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, a teenager reading Caesar's Legion by Stephen Dando-Collins and a young woman reading 1984 by George Orwell in Chinese. A young girl sat next to me on another train reading a highlighted and dogeared copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I noticed four other Chinese books this week in various places, and I saw another Kindle in the Kubrik Cafe.
What are people reading in your town this week?